Water Conditions

One of the easiest ways to reduce aquarium mortalities is to maintain ideal water conditions. Make sure your aquarium has all of the appropriate water parameters and environmental requirements for the particular species you are interested in keeping. While most aquarium species can adapt to or tolerate a broad range of water parameters, keep in mind that certain delicate species of fish, plants, corals and invertebrates have very specific water parameter requirements. Please review each individual species description for specific information. 

Temperature: The water temperature of your aquarium plays a vital role in the health of your fish. Fish are very sensitive to temperature changes and any sudden temperature change can wreak havoc on your fish. Invest in a reliable heater to maintain stable water temperature. For reef aquariums illuminated by metal halide light fixtures, the use of a chiller is recommended since many corals are sensitive to high water temperatures. Without the aid of an efficient aquarium chiller, decline in coral health or even coral loss may result.

dKH (degree of carbonate hardness also known alkalinity): Carbonate hardness is the measure of carbonate and bicarbonate concentration in your aquarium water. Alkalinity plays a vital role in stabilizing and buffering aquarium pH. This parameter is very important to monitor in coral reef systems since alkalinity and calcium have a unique relationship where the concentration of one affects the other. For example, if aquarium alkalinity is too high, then calcium levels tend to fall as calcium precipitates out of solution. Conversely, if the calcium level is too high (over 500 ppm), then there is a tendency for alkalinity to drop. 

pH (potentia hydrogenii or the power of hydrogen): Measurement of relative alkalinity or acidity. A pH reading of 7.0 is considered neutral, with readings higher than 7.0 (up to 14) being alkaline and readings lower than 7.0, acidic. 

Specific Gravity: Specific gravity or "sg" measures the relative salinity (amount of dissolved salts) in your aquarium water in comparison to pure water. Measuring specific gravity on a regular basis is crucial to maintain the ideal environment for your marine inhabitants.

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